3月16日消息,近期随着Jsquare第一支LP基金在美国宣布成立,业界对Jsquare二级自有资金的持仓也表现出了较高的关注度。对此,Jsquare的Founding partner Joanna女士在其X表示:“我们目前不仅有近期刚宣发的新一支一级LP基金Jsquare Pioneer Fund I,在接下来的几个月将会活跃出手,同时还有自己的liquid fund,持仓包括但远不止于各种DeFi Tokens,同时持仓价格也因...
DFG创始人James回应“疑似DFG创始人地址已囤积1868万美元的UNI和MKR”:该地址是Jsquare的自有资金持仓的地址之一,与DFG无关。他还表示,Jsquare最近完成了5000万美元的新一期一级基金募集,接下来几个月会大量投资项目。 此前消息,疑似DFG创始人地址已囤积1868万美元的UNI和MKR,总价值1868万美元。
On March 12th, at the ETHDenver in the United States, Jsquare hosted the Proof of Brew: Tasting the Crypto event. Mr. James Wo, co-founder of Jsquare and Venture Partner of Pioneer Fund, announced the official release of the first phase of its first LP fund, Pioneer Fund, on behalf of Jsquare. The size of the first phase of the fund is 50 million US dollars, focusing on investing in AI, consumer applications, RWA, DeFi, PayFi and other Web3 fields. Js...
3月12日消息,在美国ETHDenver间,Jsquare在其主办的周边活动Proof of Brew: Tasting the Crypto活动上,Jsquare的联合创始人、Pioneer Fund的Venture Partner James Wo先生代表Jsquare宣布了其第一支LP基金Pioneer Fund第一期正式发布。第一期基金规模5000万美金,重点投资赛道为AI、消费者应用、RWA、DeFi、PayFi等Web3领域。 Js...
At the Polkadot Decoded Asia conference in Singapore, JSquare's Angela served as the moderator of the roundtable discussion, leading several guests to share their organizations' reflections on investing in the Polkadot ecosystem. Terry Culver of Digital Finance Group points out that Boca strikes a good balance between sustainability and safety, and is very willing and adept at connecting investors with Boca's ecosystem. Isaac of SNZ Capital mentioned that the diversity of the polka ecosystem enh...
在新加坡举办的Polkadot Decoded Asia大会中,JSquare的Angela担任圆桌讨论主持人,带领几位嘉宾分享了他们所在机构对波卡生态投资的思考。 Digital Finance Group的Terry Culver指出,波卡在可持续性和安全性之间达成了良好的平衡,并且非常愿意且擅长将投资者与波卡生态项目方紧密联系。 SNZ Capital的Isaac提到,波卡生态的多样性增强了生态的稳定...
On May 13th, according to an open letter from Jsquare CEO Joanna Liang to all employees, HDK, a third-generation important family member of the well-known Chaebol family, officially joined Jsquare as a managing partner. Joanna Liang said that DK is not only a close friend of James and James for many years, but also a professional with rich experience in international business and strategy. His family has a profound impact in government, Chaebol, and nearly 10 industries (including but not limite...
5月13日消息,据Jsquare CEO Joanna Liang致全员公开信,某知名韩国财阀家族第三代重要家族成员HDK正式加入Jsquare,担任管理合伙人。Joanna Liang表示,DK不仅是其和James多年好友的挚友,更是一位在国际业务和战略领域拥有丰富经验的专业人士。他的家族在政府、韩国财阀、及近10个行业(包含但不限于房地产、化妆品等十项产业类别)中具有深远的影响...